Home » , » Dry Wind (2020) English Subtitles

Country: Brazil
Release Year: 2020
Aka: Vento Seco
Director: Daniel Nolasco
Writer: Daniel Nolasco
Language: Portuguese
Genre: Drama
Runtime: 110 min
Cast: Leandro Faria Lelo, Allan Jacinto Santana, Renata Carvalho, Rafael Teóphilo, Del Neto, Larissa Sisterolli

Synopsis / Plot: The area around Catalan in Brazil's state of Goiás is dry, very dry. Sandro's life here is somewhat monotonous. He works in a fertilizer factory and divides his days between the city club, work, soccer with friends and city parties. He has a purely sexual relationship with his colleague Ricardo. He always seems to be a bit of an outsider, not comfortable in his own skin, not really belonging. When Maicon, a man straight out of a Tom of Finland illustration, shows up in their small town and flirts with Ricardo, his burgeoning feelings of jealousy set a change in motion.

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