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Original title: Eating Out
Year: 2004
Running time: 90 min.
Country: United States United States
Director: Q. Allan Brocka
Music: Dominik Houser
Cast: Scott Lunsford, Jim Verraros, Emily Stiles, Ryan Carnes, Rebekah Kochan
Genre: Comedy. Romance. Drama | Gay & Lesbian

Synopsis / Plot: Set in the Arizona Sonoran desert, Caleb (Scott Lunsford), is a hunky straight college student who has just been dumped by his slutty girlfriend. Caleb then meets Gwen (Emily Stiles) and falls head over heels for her, the only problem is that Gwen is only attracted to gay men. In an attempt to help Caleb with his plight Kyle (Jim Verraros, American Idol ), Caleb s gay roommate, hatches up a plan to get Caleb closer to Gwen and in turn he can also get closer to Marc (Ryan Carnes, Desperate Housewives ), Gwen's gay roommate. The plan seriously backfires when Marc develops a major crush on Caleb and Gwen decides they make a perfect couple.

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