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Original title: Shiner
Year: 2004
Running time: 89 min.
Country: United States
Director: Christian Calson
Screenwriter: Christian Calson
Cast: Derris Nile, Nicholas T. King, Scott Stepp, David Zelina, Carolyn Crotty, Seth Harrington
Producer: TLA Releasing
Genre: Drama

Synopsis: Raising the subtext of "Fight Club'' into text, "Shiner'' depicts a pair of amateur boxers gratified by punching each others' lights out. Theirs is among a trio of twisted love stories in the narrative feature by 29-year-old Los Angeles director Christian Calson. There's also a woman literally fighting her male lover's affections and another boxer who stalks his own shy male stalker. "Shiner'' transcends sadomasochism in that no one seems aware of what he or she is doing.

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