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Original title: Homewrecker
Country: USA
Release Year: 2009
Director: Paul Hart
Writer: Bruce L. Hart, Paul Vander Roest
Language: English
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 102 min
Cast: Dylan Vox, Peter Szeliga, Bruce L. Hart, Rebekah Kochan, Paul Vander Roest, Ernest Pierce
Studio: VanderHart Productions - Ariztical Entertainment

Synopsis: A hilarious comedy spoof of the Lifetime Channel for Women movies with a gay twist! What happens when you invite a young scheming "homewrecker" into your happy home? Three happily married gay couples living in Los Angeles are about to find out! An unsuspecting couple (Derrick Hardy and Collin Lawrence) open their home to a secretly aspiring actor. They are hard at work on their new top secret TV series when unbeknownst them their house guest is really a "homewrecker". Worming his way into their complete trust and taking advantage of their neighbors welcoming attitude everyone is about to get taken for a ride. From sexy seductions to psychological manipulations everyone falls prey to this house-guest with an agenda for trouble" Warning this film contains nudity and adult language and situations".

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