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Original title: Black Stone
Year: 2015
Runnining time: 92 min.
Country: South Korea
Director: Roh Gyeong-tae
Screenwriter: Roh Gyeong-tae
Music: Olivier Alary
Cinematography: Cho Young Sang
Cast: Won Tae-hee, Erlinda Villalobos, Kate Velarde, Son Suk-ku
Producer: Neon Productions, Teddy Bear Films Company
Genre: Drama | Crime. Revenge. Gay & Lesbian

Synopsis: Artist/filmmaker Roh has an impressively sombre world view; based on the sad fate of a Filipino-Korean family, he shows a decayed society where it’s impossible to distinguish between material and immaterial pollution. Those who can cope with this are rewarded with moments of mercy and magic.

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